
Building for your success since 1916
With over a century of experience, we have become much more than just a builder. We have proven programs and services to represent the owner’s best interests on their capital investment. We take personal responsibility for our projects and great pride and respect in our clients’ trust in us to realize their visions. We treat our clients’ projects as if they were our own.
About DanisRepeat Clients
Years of Building Your Trust
Crafts Workforce
We are engineers, project managers, designers, builders, and crafts professionals. We are a team.
After spending 20 years in the US Army, I assumed that I would never find another organization that had the comradery, care for the well-being of its employees, and overall morale that I have found here at Danis. I just passed my four-year mark and enjoy every day working with different people who make our great team.
Roger Johnson
Safety Engineer